About Us

Hello and Welcome!

In our journey through the dynamic world of political memes, we've created a space that's both an exploration and a celebration of this unique aspect of digital culture. Our book delves into the world of right-wing memes, offering a balanced and analytical view of their impact and significance in today's socio-political discourse.

Our Approach

We've compiled a fascinating collection of over 700 right-wing memes, each carefully selected for its representation of diverse thoughts and beliefs. These memes, originating from various creators across the internet, are used under the “fair use” doctrine for educational and analytical purposes. Our goal is to provide commentary, criticism, and a broad understanding of these memes' cultural significance, repurposing them within a new context to facilitate constructive discussion.

Acknowledging Creators

While the viral nature of memes often makes it difficult to trace their exact origins, we deeply respect and acknowledge the creativity, wit, and effort of the individuals who originally created these memes. Their work has significantly influenced digital culture, political discourse, and societal conversations. If any concerns arise regarding the use of a particular meme, we are open to dialogue and can be reached at studyofmemesbook@proton.me. Our intention is always to respect creators' rights while fostering meaningful discourse.

For Our Diverse Audience

Whether you're not right-wing, lean center-right, are a right-wing meme enthusiast, or firmly in the right-wing camp, our book offers something for everyone. It serves as a window, a mirror, a bridge, and a treasure trove, depending on your perspective and interest. For those using this book as a gift or a tool for understanding, it's crafted to foster empathy and insight into diverse political beliefs.

Our Goal

We aim to spark dialogue that respects differences and fosters deeper understanding. In a world where political discourse is often divisive, we hope our book serves as a step towards more empathetic and informed conversations. We invite you to join us in this endeavor and hope you find valuable insights and perspectives in our work.

Feel free to reach out to us using the Contact Us page with questions, thoughts, or just to share your love for memes and political discourse.

Copyright 2023 JC Morrow Publications
